[DRMAA-WG] Fwd: IEEE Cloud Computing magazine initial editorial
Sill, Alan
2014-05-22 18:58:08 UTC
FYI, the first issue editorial to introduce the "Standards and Compliance" section that I will be editing of the new IEEE Cloud Computing magazine is attached below. Publication is expected in mid-June.

Please let me know if you know anyone who you think we would like to write articles for submission. The topics of interest are very wide and are described in the editorial.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joan Taylor <joanct12 at gmail.com<mailto:joanct12 at gmail.com>>
Subject: Re: Page proof corrections for "StandardsNow" column and initial IEEE Cloud Computing editorial
Date: May 22, 2014 at 1:40:38 PM CDT
To: "Sill, Alan" <alan.sill at ttu.edu<mailto:alan.sill at ttu.edu>>

Dear Alan,

I apologize for the long delay. I've attached the updated "Standards and Compliance" area article. We made the changes to the paragraph you requested. We also fixed "infrastructure as a service." However, CS style is to use all lowercase letters in the definitions of IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS.

Thank you for your patience!

Best Regards,


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