[DRMAA-WG] OGF 42 registration prices / timing
Peter Tröger
2014-07-24 14:25:51 UTC
Dear all,

here is the latest information about the ?when? and ?how much? of our DRMAA sessions at OGF 42.

Best regards,
Von: "Sill, Alan" <alan.sill at ttu.edu>
Betreff: Aw: [occi-wg] [DRMAA-WG] Fwd: [wg-all] Early notice re. session proposals for OGF 42 at CAC 2014 Sep. 8-12 in London
Datum: 24. Juli 2014 16:06:51 MESZ
An: Boris Parak <xparak at mail.muni.cz>
Kopie: "occi-wg at ogf.org" <occi-wg at ogf.org>, Jens Jensen <j.jensen.ral at googlemail.com>
The short answer is "yes", although depending on how we handle the schedule, you may be able to get by with a one- or two-day pass to cover the OCCI parts of the agenda.
Jens was looking into an OGF-only registration that would not cover the CAC itself. The main costs we have to cover are those for the room, meal and break arrangements and when one plans a conference, knowing how many will attend is the main point when calculating the risk to the organization for making these commitments. With a CAC registration, they cover all of the associated arrangements for these details and we are just another activity within the conference; plus this allows you to meet and interact with other attendees in an organized way.
At this time we were planning to try to group all of the OCCI and DRMAA and related cloud BoF sessions together on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week, so a 2-day pass would be sufficient. Our plans are to put groups like GLUE, BES, JSDL etc. into the Wednesday and Thursday time slots, and the Security area groups have not yet specified a preference. There is a workshop on cloud security on Monday of the week as part of the CAC conference, which might make a nice matching with the OGF cloud and OCCI stuff towards the front of the week if you want to justify a full-week registration, and there is a co-sponsored OGF and CAC workshop on autonomic management of clouds and grids also that is organized for Friday, which although separate from the OGF sessions and academically oriented, might also be of interest.
Note that a full-week registration at the reduced rate offered to IEEE and OGF members is the same price as a 3-day pass. (You are an OGF member officially if you have attended 2 events within the past 2 years, I believe, or it might be 2 f the last 3 events - I will check - or are a member of one of our sponsoring organizations. You can also buy an individual membership good for one year for $200 per year, which just as for the above membership options gets you the reduced membership-based price for attending OGF events. In this case that is a $150 discount, so it is almost worthwhile.)
If there is enough interest in an OGF-only rate, and if we can get a definite number of attendees to commit to how many days they will be there and how many room we will need to cover their activities, Jens can complete his investigations and give us the options. My honest feeling is that it will not be a lot less than the above costs, but we can look into this if we plan quickly.
So as a summary: We hope to contain most OGF and DRMAA and related meetings into the 2-day interval of Tuesday and Wednesday September 9-10, for which a 2-day pass for the CAC at $400 would be sufficient. We encourage you to look at the options of coming earlier (e.g. in time for the cloud security workshop) or staying later for the Friday AMGCC workshop and/or interacting with some of the other OGF groups to make a full-week stay at the conference worthwhile. OGF membership rates if booked by Aug. 1st are only $600 for the full week (it says IEEE on the web site but if you get to the registration page itself it does say IEEE or OGF on that form), which is the same as a 3-day pass. You can also purchase an OGF membership for $200, which will get you discounts for registration at OGF events when we organize them ourselves - or a $150 discount in this case.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi everyone,
is it necessary to have a registration to CAC 2014 to attend OGF 42?
Thank you.
Cheers, Boris
We will have time for such a slot/discussion for sure.
From: occi-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:occi-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On Behalf Of
Augusto Ciuffoletti
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 11:43 AM
To: Boris Parak
Cc: Nasia Asiki; occi-wg at ogf.org members; Kostas Koumantaros
Subject: Re: [occi-wg] [DRMAA-WG] Fwd: [wg-all] Early notice re. session
proposals for OGF 42 at CAC 2014 Sep. 8-12 in London
Yes, I proposed days ago an update about an OCCI-monitoring experiment. 20'
or such.
Hi Augusto,
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Augusto Ciuffoletti
Do we already have an agenda for that session?
I don't think so. Do you have something specific you would like to discuss?
Hello all,
On Jul 12, 2014, at 12:10 PM, "Boris Parak" <xparak at mail.muni.cz>
If we can get at least a few interested parties, I can request a BoF
session. (Can I? Are there any restrictions I should know about?)
No restrictions to request a session. (That's the great thing about
having an open forum!)
just to keep everyone informed, Thijs already requested such a session
(thank you!). So, hopefully, I will see you all there :-)
Cheers, Boris
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Augusto Ciuffoletti
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universit? di Pisa
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